Status | Sale |
Building | 6,000 SF - 43,000 SF |
Demographic | 1 Mile | 3 Miles | 5 Miles |
Population | 6,095 | 25,399 | 51,647 |
Households | 2,518 | 9,617 | 19,135 |
Average Household Income | $88,905 | $100,764 | $112,015 |
Daytime Employees | 4,265 | 8,161 | 12,776 |
Traffic Count | Route 100 - 15,668 A.D.T. |
• For Sale Asking Price $4.5 Million
• Zoned for GC (General Commercial)
• Conveniently located near signalized intersection off of busy Route 100
• Main building contains mezzanine offices
Legal Description
Land Description: Lumber Yard and Home Center
Street Address: 174 Holly Road
Muncipality: Montgomery County
State: Pennsylvania
Zipcode: 19512
Parcel#: 32-00-01260-00-4
Land Area: 4.89 Acres
Buildings: 2 Buildings (main/store office structure with attached warehouse
Easements: Utilities and Roadways surrounding the property

Greg Jones

Melissa Lippe