Status | Sale |
Building | 5.00 AC |
Demographic | 1 Mile | 3 Miles | 5 Miles |
Population | 4,014 | 33,584 | 77,775 |
Households | 1,973 | 13,270 | 30,308 |
Average Household Income | $91,366 | $141,560 | $150,187 |
Daytime Employees | 3,059 | 10,210 | 26,833 |
Traffic Count | I-80 - 88,067 A.D.T. |
• Well-positioned near Interstate 80
• Perfect for full service or quick service restaurant
• Shared parking and outdoor seating with Chili’s
• 244 parking spaces
• International Drive with 6,486 AADT near Interstate 80 with 88,067 AADT
• Down the street from the newly redeveloped ITC Crossing South | GLA 514,903 SF

Greg Jones