Status | Sale |
Development | 15.00 AC |
Demographic | 1 Mile | 3 Miles | 5 Miles |
Population | 10,305 | 77,888 | 162,504 |
Households | 3,871 | 31,326 | 62,234 |
Average Household Income | $107,615 | $103,196 | $124,875 |
Daytime Employees | 3,401 | 42,063 | 98,499 |
Traffic Count | E Street Road - 27,758 A.D.T. | ||
Traffic Count | N Norristown Road - 8,243 A.D.T. |
Warminster is a regional-suburban market within Bucks County, PA and is 13.7 miles North of Philadelphia.
Within three miles, the population is 77,888 residents with an average household income of $103,196. In addition, there are over 42,000 daytime employees within the three-mile radius. The top employers in the area include Giant Food Stores, Central Bucks School District, Saint Mary Medical Center, Walmart, and Grand View Health.
Important roads include Route 132 (Street Road), which runs through the township between Warrington and Southampton; Route 263 (York Road), which runs through the township between Hatboro and Jamison; and Route 332 (Jacksonville Road), which runs through the township between Hatboro and Ivyland. Other important roads include County Line Road, which runs along the Southwestern border with Montgomery County and Bristol Road, which runs along the Northeastern border.
• High profile retail development in Warminster, Bucks County, PA, with anchor and pad sites available
• Excellent visibility to Street Road with 27,758 AADT
• Perfect for grocery, convenience with gas, financial institution/credit union, restaurant and small shop retail