Status | Sale |
Development Opportunity | 18.30 AC |
GLA | 797,148 SF |
Demographic | 1 Mile | 3 Miles | 5 Miles |
Population | 2,099 | 27,336 | 70,325 |
Households | 915 | 10,417 | 25,178 |
Average Household Income | $82,744 | $70,359 | $71,610 |
Traffic Count | N 2nd Street - 31,816 A.D.T. |
• Great visibility and traffic counts on N 2nd Street (Route 47) with 31,816 VPD
• Zoning: B4 (General Business)
• Full access from signalized intersection
• Area Retailers Include Shoprite and Target
About Millville
Millville is located in Cumberland County in southern New Jersey approximately 45 miles from Philadelphia, 120 miles from New York City, and 140 miles from Washington, D.C. It lies between the New Jersey Turnpike, the Garden State Parkway, State Highway 55 (which runs through the northeastern portion of the city), and the Atlantic City Expressway. Its bordering municipalities include Deerfield Township, Lawrence Township, Downe Township, Commercial Township, Maurice River Township, and Vineland City. Comprising an area of about 44 square miles, approximately 8% of the area is devoted to agriculture; 8% to commercial and industrial; 10% to residential; 13% to municipal, school, recreational, water, sewer, streets, and the municipal airport; and the remaining 61% is vacant land and woodlands. Transportation is provided by bus to Philadelphia, New York City, and Wilmington, Delaware. Several motor freight common carriers connect Millville with Philadelphia,New York, Baltimore, and other cities. The Millville Municipal Airport is an air freight depot and a maintenance field.
Permitted Uses:
• Retail
• Personal Services
• Restaurants
• Theaters
• Banks
• Fitness
• Garden Center
• Hotels
• Mail
• Printing
• Government
• Auto Sales
• Golf Course
• Gas Station
• Car Wash
• Funeral